Avalanche danger in Chugach State Park is expected to increase to considerable today due to moderate to strong winds and plentiful loose snow available for transport; wind loading today and tomorrow will build fresh wind slabs, and stress existing persistent slabs. Conditions are especially dangerous in northern areas of Chugach State Park (i.e. South Fork Eagle River to Knik).
Considerable danger is expected to exist through Friday.
Numerous natural and human triggered avalanches have occurred recently across the park: storm slabs, wind slabs, wet slabs, and persistent slabs.
Also, relatively warm temperatures and solar radiation have triggered wet slabs in some areas. These have the potential to be large and run from the mid to upper elevations into lower elevation terrain. Be mindful of exposure to overhead avalanche danger and be wary of large avalanche paths that may cross trails.
The avalanche danger and problems are currently very complex, and spatial variability is a primary factor in this complexity. It will require expert, and very nuanced, backcountry travel and avalanche assessment skills to enjoy avalanche terrain safely in the near future.