December 26, 2017 There’s a lot of spatial variability in regard to depth and stability of the #HatcherPass area #Talkeetna #Mountains #snowpack. We found a good example of a potentially dangerous slope with low strength and friction and poor structure today on the south side of Friendship Pass. ~4800’, 108* E aspect, 38* slope, 100-115cm HS, CT3 and ECTP14 Q1 sudden planar down ~50cm: wind-packed old snow surface and last week’s storm snow (hard slab) on heavily faceted layer (persistent weak layer) above decomposing melt-freeze crust (bed surface). Surface hoar and near surface faceting has occurred extensively since our last visit (Sunday/XMas eve). The surface faceting is loosening the relatively dense and wind affected #snow from the storm last week. The snow is sluffing more and faster from this “recycled pow” effect, and #skiing even better. However, the surface hoar and faceting will create new (potentially persistent) weak layers when we get a new slab on top. Get the full picture and weekend advisory: @h_p_a_c A post shared by Anchorage Avalanche Center (@anchorage_avalanche_center) on Dec 26, 2017 at 7:12pm PST