Happy Summer!

The Anchorage Avalanche Center concluded its first full season of avalanche advisories and professional observations for the most frequently visited avalanche terrain of Chugach State Park with its April 26-27, 2014 weekend avalanche outlook.

With a 100% volunteer staff of one, the Anchorage Avalanche Center provided advisories for 58 days and professional observations for 42 days during the 2013-14 season.  The Anchorage Avalanche Center provided an avalanche outlook for every weekend from December 13, 2013 to April 27, 2014 plus additional advisories-outlooks and observations as much as possible and as conditions dictated due to increasing danger.

If you find this avalanche information program valuable and would like to see it continue for seasons to come, please make a tax-deductible donation to help the Anchorage Avalanche Center achieve sustainability.

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Here’s to next season!